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Industrial-sized Fleet Vehicle Auto Body Repair
Our body shop provides collision repair on all makes and models but specializes in heavy duty vehicles
such as school buses, semi-trucks, motorcoaches, RVs & shuttles.

Our state-of-the-art 55 foot global finishing solutions (GFS) paint booth is the only one of its kind in central Nebraska.

This newly constructed workspace allows us to make your bus, RV, or semi project turn out that much nicer – whether it be a collision repair, a restoration, or a conversion.

A top-of-the-line paint booth is critical to ensuring that the air is filtered properly, keeping the work environment clean. In this space, we can give your vehicle an OEM finish (manufacturer finish) that is just perfect, flawless, as if it were brand new!

We have the experience and equipment to update your vehicle with the latest products on the market. Whether you’re looking to make your vehicle safer functionally or just hoping to upgrade its visual appeal, we’re happy to help!

Regardless of the condition of your vehicle when it rolls into our shop, we can fix it! No job is too big or too small. In addition to repairing your damaged vehicle, we work as mediators between you and your insurance company to ensure your dollars are stretched to the max.

Cracked or damaged glass? From small chips to large cracks, we can repair or replace your windshield professionally and efficiently, and get you back on the road right away!

Keep your bus or semi-truck looking brand new! We can touch up minor damage, complete color changes, replace roofs or flooring — just about anything to polish up your vehicle and keep you rolling in style.


Our Quality
Slide-Out and Access Door Replacement
Our Quality
Our Quality
Our Quality
Sabre Tungsten RV Restoration
Semi-Truck Restoration

Twin Trucks Project Feature

Our customer brought in two twin trucks in need of repairs. The goal was to refurbish the trucks by removing old, worn-out pieces, upgrading parts, and restoring the overall structure.

After much attentive, careful work, we’re proud to present these refurbished twin trucks – they look better than ever!

We now provide MCI J4500 conversions, including front facemark, BodyWorx custom rear-end, and front bumper conversions.
Stop by our shop anytime between 8-5pm.
818 Central Avenue
Kearney, NE 68847